Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Suspended sentence for Marco

Juiceproducer - green power juicer

Antalya / Uelzen - Finally it's over. After a long process, there is now forever the verdict.
The court in Antalya den19-year-old student Marco from Uelzen Haftverurteilt on Wednesday for rape undsexuellen abuse to two years, two months and 20 days. The sentence was suspended.
The court found Mark guilty in Osterurlaub2007 the then 13-year-old British woman Charlotte keeping closed sexually abused. The vocational school students had always denied this.
DerStaatsanwalt had demanded a conviction for rape undsexuellen abuse without zuformulieren a specific penalty, the defense had argued for acquittal.
   Marco himself had always stated that it had come to Charlotte to visit in succession Disco consensual affection sei.Das girl told him it was 15 years old. He was on 12 April2007 festgenommenworden in a holiday hotel on the Turkish Riviera.
Marco sat 247 days in Turkish custody.
Meanwhile, he continues in his home training and no longer have to travel tothe process of appointments to Turkey.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

FC managers Meier impose stop transfer

Cologne - silence at Geißbockheim. Michael Meier was on Monday at the DFL in Frankfurt. In Cologne, meanwhile, the wheels stand still - until the newcomer finally comes. Meier announced a transfer stop!
"We will make no new signings, fixed until the new coach. We need the budget so he can implement his ideas. "
Approximately 5 million euro for the FC still available - plus the money, what is outrageously expensive compared to the duo of trainer Christoph Daum and Roland Koch approximately 3.3 million (per year savings) the new coach.
But who will that be? Still in the draw: Zvonimir Soldo (41) and Mirko Slomka (41). But both can be had - and they had long been able to strike would be a solution really überzeugt.Einen candidates, the Cologne-makers need to be removed from their list: Volker Finke (61) is not to have.
He would be a dream candidate of FC boss Wolfgang Overath been. He was schonmal agree with Finke! Because it did last year was Cologne coach Christoph Daum on the bounce. Finke would and should become the successor, sealed his coming with Overath and Co. with a handshake.
The longtime coach of SC Freiburg had even been contacted by players who made plans. Then Daum's failed negotiations with Fenerbahce - and thumb remained.
Finke hired at Urawa Red Diamonds in Japan, then signed a two-year contract. And exactly who was now the problem: The club refused to release the coach - finally, one is with his work continues to look very zufrieden.Der FC. And so the Cologne coach presentation always possible date forward. "It will take a little bit," says manager Meier.
This one, however, falls behind in the transfer market - after all others have to plan ahead. Karlsruhe's Stefano Celozzi-backs (20, cost around 2.5 million euros, for example) is at FC on the list are.
But neither has been officially approached by the consultant Dirk Hebel still at the KSC someone. Lever: "He is in several clubs on the list. And in Cologne, they have to clarify the coach erstmal question. "It's quite possible that the FC-makers in the wooing of the youngsters are going to be late.
More about FC coach search: Staale Solbakken and Volker Finke not to have> Calli: "The new must be a multi-talent!"> Meier raves about Soldos good school> Mirko Slomka: "Now the FC is on the train">
• The latest FC coach-News - now in EXPRESS.DE ticker>

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Save the small Mihailo (3)!

Dusseldorf - Mihailo looking anxiously out from behind the back of his mother Serbia. The crab will destroy the life of a cute little boy if he does not get help quickly.
Mihailo is only three years old, but he already knows the depths of despair. "More than half of his life he spent in hospital, death always before our eyes," says her mother Yelena sad.
Again and again formed a new evil like cells in the testes. With a Tiefenhypertermie the doctors want to fight the University Clinic of cancer that proliferates in the body of the little Mihailo. For the saving treatment of the family but lacks some 40,000 euros.
Donations, which can save the lives of boys, are accepted as "Mihailo and other children" at Stadtsparkasse Dusseldorf.
 Account number: 10106425, Sort code: 30,050,110th

Friday, February 5, 2010

Two medals in the coffin

Cologne - The clothing was colorful with many - but the tears ran down her cheeks. More than 2,000 passed to carnival Melaten of ex-leader Prince Helmut Urbach († 60). Two orders takes the big carnival in his grave ...
"None of us has invented the carnival - but when Helmut I'm not so sure," said festival committee boss Mark Ritterbach a choked voice.
Last Wednesday was Urbach died suddenly of heart failure. Urbach worked as a board member of the Guard, and Prince as "Members attendant" one veteran of the Festival Committee of Fasteleer.
More than 80 carriers Plagge, several hundred uniformed corps standing tradition on Wednesday Melaten trellis. In a red and white coffin, Helmut Urbach went on the last trip.
 "My dear Festgemeinde, sorry - dear mourners," muddled OB Fritz Schramma his speech given at the opening round of revelers throng in the cemetery.
He gave Urbach an OB-order with the grave. A second of Wittich Rossmann (Head of IG Metall Cologne): "The order, which you should lend to Weiberfastnacht, I will now give you the last time."
Urbach was once the Works at Felten & Guillaume. His funeral will be held after the cremation with the family.