Saturday, May 29, 2010

Doping total of 50,000 euros!

Vienna - Caught he was in the Tour de France in 2008 with the EPO Cera funds. But now grabs the Austrian cyclist Bernhard Kohl from only really: For € 50 000 he had posted total doping.
across growth hormone, insulin, testosterone, blood doping - for years without attracting attention in the numerous controls.
It is again a shocking confession that should shake up the sports world. For when something goes horribly wrong.
Kohl stressed his ex-manager Stefan Matschiner and the Vienna blood bank human plasma heavy and is said to have called the names of two athletes (including some from the alpine).
"I have called all I know behind. The names have the cops and the drug task force, "said Kohl.
Matschiner was the mastermind in the background, Kohl conceded by 50,000 euros for the total care, "I was treated by Mr Matschiner three to four times. A doctor was not there, he looked very enrolled on the units. He knew very professional. "
Kohl himself had 20,000 euros even involved in the purchase of a blood centrifuge, the device was a total of three athletes have been financed and used.
 Last Jan Ullrich's former supervisor had indicated Rudy Penvenage that in addition to the Spaniard Eufemiano Fuentes is at least five other doctors in Europe systematically doping athletes. After the coal-confession now the Vienna blood bank human plasma moves into the focus of investigators.
There are also German Winter Stars have been a guest. Ex-professional cyclist Rolf Aldag (currently Columbia team boss) asks: "The problem is much more extensive than just pursue the sport of cycling. I wish finally a fair education. "

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Fat-killers were discovered in Peru

Lima -
Disgusting and unbelievable - so not only the story sounded by the Peruvian "fat-killers", kidnapped and killed the people to help them then to suck the fat from the body. This they would then sell expensive cosmetics companies.
For even more incredible is that the whole story was just a nasty joke! are the so-called fat-killer in Peru it was not fact. A police general who invented the hair-raising story revealed.
According to a newspaper report, suspended the chief police officer of the South American country, to the chief of criminal police, General Eusebio Félix, and 32 other policemen. He also ordered an investigation into why Felix took the false information in circulation, and whether they were distracted by other tasks. In the case of irregularities were punished, the newspaper "El Comercio" reported to now, invoking the authority.
The newspaper "La República" had previously speculated that the story had been launched to divert attention from investigations against the police for the murder of criminals. On Monday, the police played in the Peruvian region Monzón the existence of the gang that made headlines worldwide.
Learn More
Gangster wanted to sell the fat
"The fact that in the region, a band of" Pishtacos "(mythical figure from the Andes, which robs its victims of the fat) should be active, has totally surprised us, because we know that is not true," an official was quoted as saying.
The police had alleged fat nor presented in a press conference in plastic bottles. What kind of fluid actually was in the bottle is still unclear. The yellow broth with white speck was certainly not been tapped from human corpses.
Even Peru's Interior Minister Octavio Salazar had on the 19th of Félix November raised suspicion about the alleged murderer fat initially explicitly reaffirmed. Accordingly, the gang had kidnapped people for years and then beheaded, in order to sell the butter for the equivalent of 10,000 euros per liter of cosmetic companies.
However, human fat, not known to be used in cosmetics and even legal standing as a waste of beauty clinics.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Best thick yoga mat


Within the latest periods quite a few folks have come to be aware on the innumerable gains that this training of yoga provides. This phenomenon has struck masses allaround the globe. The young plus the aged, males, women health and fitness freaks along with experts are turning towards yoga like in no way prior to. When this sort of important is the variety on the yoga exercise enthusiasts it can be crucial that this vital details on every one of the elements with this form be provided for the individuals. This write-up will make an effort to give attention to 1 such part of yoga, the yoga exercise pads.

thick yoga mat

The prerequisite of the yoga mats vary with the practice of yoga exercise. You will discover an abundance of possibilities accessible for all forms of yoga exercise professionals in order to choose one as per their particular needs. The mats are obtainable to suit all shapes, sizes of the entire body plus the several yoga asanas. The pregnant mothers take up yoga to make certain appear wellness for them as properly as the the child. However, for these types of women the selection of the thick yoga mat is incredibly important. Highest care should be taken ahead of deciding on one particular. Trying it out primary is advised. The primary prerequisite of mats for this sort of females will commonly be a wide cushioning. Nevertheless, it's highly recommended that the assistance from the concerned physician including a skilled yoga exercise teacher ought to be seeked.

For the regular yoga users the mats that are firm and about an inch larger can be ideal. Additional, one particular should consider into consideration the usage and the choices although acquiring the yoga exercise mat.

The popularity of yoga exercise has created it achievable to quickly get a appropriate type of mat that may be appropriate for your personal practice. You'll be able to even purchase on the internet for this sort of mat’s as there are a lot of web sites that accomplish the yoga exercise mats sale and invest in around the world-wide-web.

Yoga exercise is a lot various compared to various other extending exercise that you simply ought to be making from the health club. It is a much more enhancing knowledge that rejuvenates the mind, system as well as the spirit. A yoga mat is usually a requirement in the event you eye to obtain the maximum rewards by doing the yoga asanas.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Fortuna: What now, Mr. Meier?

Düsseldorf - The mega-important match against Dynamo Dresden - Fortuna does not end up at last a victory, in the direction of ascent is all over.
"We all are aware what is at stake. We need the three points desperately. To stay in the race and to enable the competitors under pressure, "says co-captain Jens Langeneke, attacks vehemently with his troops after the last straw.
But the thing goes wrong again, have to plan in the Düsseldorf background with high pressure for another season in the third division.
"The team budget is down by at least one million," explains CFO Werner Sesterhenn. Although seven players have a contract for the third League, but manager Werner Wolf and coach Norbert Meier.
But the club desperately wants to continue working with the coach to take the rebuilding at Nichtaufstieg with former Bundesliga player in attack.
EXPRESS learned: Meier exists an extension offer! However, with a sensitive inconvenience to the trainer: Compared to its current salary he would have to live with a loss of around 30 percent.
What now, Mr. Meier? "I must make it clear that it can not pass by the coach, when to change the financial environment. A basic willingness to continue working is because both sides. Fortuna is and remains a challenging task, "says the 50-year-old. The Hammer: Meier, despite a lower fee would help in the rebuilding!
But the coach also makes clear: "Of course you can continue with young talent and those who contract anyway, and those who would accept a reduced offer. Why not? The prospects have to agree whole and the objectives to be clearly defined. "

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Pistolero Jason Rager redeemed Nethery

Dusseldorf - As the last desperation shot at the Straubing DEG gate passes and rumbles the final siren, stretches captain Daniel Kreutzer made his racquet towards hall roof -!
Pure relief for coach Lance Nethery tyrant and his MetroStars, the last home game of the year with a 2-1 victory against the penultimate, and thus the second one after celebrating success.
With fresh confidence after the liberation at 5:4 Seilersee DEG had gone into the race. But so it was all over quickly: Referee of Gameren had sent to Jeff Panzer and Peter Ratchuk two Düsseldorf in the icebox.
And the leadership Straubinger begun! The tiger bites: A double majority arrived guest scorer Chouinard to 1:0. The residue drove the MetroStars, which partly forgave her Überzahlsituationen woefully behind for long. But then it was Iserlohn-match-winner Rob Collins, the optical superiority ummünzte, whose highlight is the start finally countable. His Pops into the far corner was parried for Straubing's not too strong Mike Bales.
Earlier, the Tigers goalkeeper Jamie Wright, Brandon Reid and Klaus Kathan had (all of which had to settle on the spoon) with class parades genervt.Im middle section dominated the DEG further, however, was much further in the financial statements harmless. "Actually, we make a good game. The team is good defensively, only draws far too little benefit from the majority, "noted the injured number 1, Jamie Storr (announced his comeback in January in) in the second intermission.
Luckily, DEG had no need for power play to go in front, but with a professional executor qualities: Jason Pinizzotto. "El Pistolero") (his nickname, which had also met twice in the last game for the Roosters, not flapped in front of the Tiger Gate of long, sank the disc to the 2-1 score in the mesh - the decision.
Sharks: R. Mueller - Slaney, Renz, Julien, Mo. Mueller, Anchored, Lüdemann - Furchner, Piros, Gogulla; Flaake, Dmitriev, Ma. Muller; Čiernik, McLlwain, Rudslätt; Tallaire, Warriner, Adams.Zuschauer: 14,354. Referee: Rick Looker (USA). Goals: 1-0 McLlwain (2.), 1:1 Fortier (9.), 2-1 Furchner (18.), 3:1 Ludemann (34.), 3:2 Tripp (52.), 4:2 Čiernik (59.).

Monday, May 3, 2010

SS-man (91) attacks Pharmacy

Recklinghausen - The man has a lot to answer for: The 91-year-old is a war criminal and now a convicted robber.
On Wednesday, the 91-year-old had to ausHerten (Kreis Recklinghausen) brought before the Landgericht Bochum.
The judge imposed because of threats eineGeldstrafe in the amount of 1600 Euro (80 per diem).
What he should have done: he had attacked in March 2007 in Eupen, Belgium a pharmacist undmit a real-looking toy gun threat.
In the process of 91-year-old said that he would commit no theft - but he wanted 1968protestieren only against his conviction of. At that time the former SS man for murder ansechs Polish Jews had been sentenced to life imprisonment.
Also of interest
They are looking for Nazi war criminal