Saturday, May 29, 2010

Doping total of 50,000 euros!

Vienna - Caught he was in the Tour de France in 2008 with the EPO Cera funds. But now grabs the Austrian cyclist Bernhard Kohl from only really: For € 50 000 he had posted total doping.
across growth hormone, insulin, testosterone, blood doping - for years without attracting attention in the numerous controls.
It is again a shocking confession that should shake up the sports world. For when something goes horribly wrong.
Kohl stressed his ex-manager Stefan Matschiner and the Vienna blood bank human plasma heavy and is said to have called the names of two athletes (including some from the alpine).
"I have called all I know behind. The names have the cops and the drug task force, "said Kohl.
Matschiner was the mastermind in the background, Kohl conceded by 50,000 euros for the total care, "I was treated by Mr Matschiner three to four times. A doctor was not there, he looked very enrolled on the units. He knew very professional. "
Kohl himself had 20,000 euros even involved in the purchase of a blood centrifuge, the device was a total of three athletes have been financed and used.
 Last Jan Ullrich's former supervisor had indicated Rudy Penvenage that in addition to the Spaniard Eufemiano Fuentes is at least five other doctors in Europe systematically doping athletes. After the coal-confession now the Vienna blood bank human plasma moves into the focus of investigators.
There are also German Winter Stars have been a guest. Ex-professional cyclist Rolf Aldag (currently Columbia team boss) asks: "The problem is much more extensive than just pursue the sport of cycling. I wish finally a fair education. "