Sunday, March 28, 2010

Dear greetings from Pannenhelfer

If you are still with the car and then save the day is coming - hardly someone who is not as happy. For Britta Hauswald (47) of the man brought by ADAC equal double happiness: she could then not only to start her car again, but with the nozzle man to happiness - with the provisional terminus Registry now in March.
"My car had been standing a few days and did not start over," recalls Stefan Hauswald (39). "When I arrived at her home, it has sparked in me at once."
And so did the car mechanic with the help of a little more time. "Actually, I would have been ready in five minutes, but I was not eager to leave." His tool: a clenched charm attack under the hood.
"The next day, I then phoned again, because even if the car is running ..." The flip of the wrench when Britta then only a little later works. Finally, they called him, had himself invited to a rendezvous ...
Stefan puts out about 200 times a month in terms of repairs, while also takes a lot of nice ladies. "In the beginning there was Britta was already jealous. But if you're as happy as we are, then nothing can happen. "

Monday, March 22, 2010

Honda shocks from Formula 1

Tokyo / Cologne - Sayonara, Honda! Japan's second largest car company immediately gets out of Formula 1.
All payments to the Brackley team will be stationed in the English set. The entire Formula 1 will be shocked. Now the death of the champions league?
The financial crisis and the still deteriorating crisis car to keep the world in suspense.
nd even if) a veteran of Formula 1 (6 championship titles as engine supplier previously acclaimed advertising platform is leaving in order to save billions of light-years winnings paltry 390 million euro budget, the question arises: Who is next?
"This will be only the beginning," predicts Gerhard Berger, who has just sold back its 50 percent stake in Toro Rosso to Red Bull billionaire Dietrich Mateschitz.
Even BMW and Mercedes sales suffer burglary. But they will remain. And it has three good reasons:
1. They are not so dependent on the "dead" U.S. market, such as Honda and Toyota. The units sold in the last quarter to 30 percent fewer cars.
2. They have their F1 budget as opposed to ad-free Honda mostly covered by sponsorships.
3. You need to Formula 1 as a global showcase her - from her self-image - technically superior premium products.
"The contribution by Mercedes-Benz cost-efficient," says Mercedes motorsport chief Norbert Haug. "The media coverage that generated the last season and Lewis Hamilton's title win was worth many times more than what we have used to finance." Even BMW team boss Mario Theissen: "Formula 1 racing pays off for us."
And Toyota? The Japanese giant will adhere to the absolute threshold of pain at the Cologne team. President John Howett: "Formula 1 is an engineering competition. If not change that, we will stay until at least 2012. "
But what about the Honda team with star driver Jenson Button? There has blown ex-Michael Schumacher mastermind Ross Brawn in 2009 a major attack. Moreover, should make his debut-Senna's nephew Bruno.
Honda wants to sell for the symbolic price of 1 €. Team boss Nick Fry: "There are two or three global players who want to take the team." One season, however, will cost 150 million euros.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

"We were the winners of the heart"

Dusseldorf - In contrast to the dismal present included the Fortuna late 70s to Germany's soccer elite.
The European Cup final against Barcelona 1979 is moving and unforgettable. Like the protagonists of the past. Now, the team met in Basel in 30 year drought.
As a fan Fortuna chased a party to this evening again feeling of awe back down. In the meeting rooms of the bank high above the rooftops of the city met on Sunday, the hero of Basel - the team that was defeated in 1979 in the European Cup final of the Cup unhappy with the large 3:4 FC Barcelona.
Wolfgang Seel then get two goals. The 61-year-old can not remember exactly: "The first goal Gerd Zimmermann suggests a long diagonal pass with his left foot, I'm not on the ball, must use it with the right Außenrist. This has probably surprised the goalkeeper - the thing about it! "
It was the balance in the 41th Minute. Previously, Thomas Allofs who scored the 1:1. Or was it his brother Klaus? Both were almost simultaneously at the ball
"We were) on the day the better team for long stretches," says Seel, who made also in the extension of the 3:4 ( "a simple rebound." All the greater was the disappointment after the defeat. "In retrospect it was a unique experience."
"We were the better team, the winners of the heart," says Dieter pulp. He had to get out in the game after just 25 minutes - knee injury. "That was really the end of my career, but I like to think back to the game."
Egon Köhnen: "I have no memories, then it all went past a musty. An absolutely exceptional experience. "Goalkeeper Jörg Daniel remembers the other hand, precisely at the penalty kick by Carlos Rexach. "I knew where he hinschießt and that I believed him. Had we got into penalty kicks, I would have done it again. "
Heiner Baltes, who as iron defender: "It looks to me as if it had been ges tern." Former striker Thomas Allofs: "The first goal Klaus and I have shot together, so that there is nowhere else: a pair of brothers in the storm, that even taken together, a goal. "
The anecdotes could presenter Dieter Bierbaum happen then on the stage revue. Also the game was shown in part. And once again the atmosphere was unique.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Straßenstrich remains unsolved

Bonn --
Ongoing issue streetwalkers. On Monday, the governor relented - and now the city can decide for yourself!
By the end of the Bonners, they must make them palatable, what with the "open-whores" happened. Even states that a tip: The best thing is the way it is.
For months, making RP Hans Peter Lindlar near the town of pressure, called for proposals for the streetwalkers and set ultimatums.
Residents in the area on Probsthof / Gerhard-Domagk-Strasse had complained about sex in front of their windows, over used condoms in their front yards. Students were crying because they were suggestive of suitors offers. Business people worried about their customers.
This led to before: The bitch should only be from 20 clock (up to 6 clock) out there. But the final solution does not lie in the street. In a conversation yesterday with RP in Cologne, Bonn's city manager, Dr. Kregel, Chief of Police Wolfgang Albers and made clear: There is simply no obvious solution in Bonn, which will satisfy all interests.
In recent months, the city already 16 alternative sites for the grain, and installation of performing pit was tested according to the Cologne model. Result: not feasible (EXPRESS reported).
Now RP Lindlar expected that the newly elected Council decides how he will deal in future with the streetwalkers in the Bonn city area. But where are the "open-whores" if nobody wants to have the door? According EXPRESS information could be the situation the way it is. "This is so far the Treaties and the only solution," says an insider. "
Sperrbezirk remain until downtown Probsthof, the whores of 20 may only clock in the street - until the end of 2009 it is definitely so. Then, it was agreed in Cologne. City Manager Dr. Kregel promptly invited the representatives of the factions in the Council for an interview after the fall break. Then comes the issue of street prostitution once again on the table.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Hull-Eleven makes Klinsi again Grinsi

Munich - The situation seemed more than critical, the sting of the Cup defeat at Bayer Leverkusen was severe.
But Bayern Munich could be from an early gap from the rest and not get defeated relegation candidates Hannover 96 fully deserved 3-1 with 5:1 (). This gave the controversial coach Jürgen Klinsmann erstmal a breather.
Here, the shock was initially low when a slip by Lucio Jiri Stajner coldly exploited and leadership for the Lower Saxony (met 15.). Klinsmann stood on the sideline, and whipped his team right back to the front.
Daniel van Buyten (20.), Miroslav Klose (25.) and Hamit Altintop (34.) turned the match - and the Bayern coach again put on his broadest grin. "The victory was well deserved at that level," said the heavily criticized after the Cup bust Klinsi. "Now the table back looks a little better. We do not allow ourselves to be conceded by the unruffled. "
Now the coach has erstmal rest. Manager Hoeness hugged the coach during a game and then gave a confession for the Ex-coach: "We thought at any stage of a separation Klinsmann."
The coach was proud of his Rumpfelf who had to compensate for some injuries (see below) and still wiped out the disgrace Cup: "The team is properly addressed it. The gates were the logical consequence of their games. "
It was startling above all the determination in standard situations: Four out of five goals were resting after a ball, "You can lose here. But these errors, we must not allow ourselves, "said Hannover's international goalkeeper Robert Enke.
But as Klinsmann's Bayern are back in second place, are most ardent pursuers of Berlin. Grinsi-Indian Wells: "Now it is time to oust Hertha from the top. You must be obtained. Since we do not let up, the title remains our goal. "
Bundesliga compact - so ran the 23rd Matchday>
Also of interest
The images from the game against Hanover Munich