Tuesday, March 16, 2010

"We were the winners of the heart"

Dusseldorf - In contrast to the dismal present included the Fortuna late 70s to Germany's soccer elite.
The European Cup final against Barcelona 1979 is moving and unforgettable. Like the protagonists of the past. Now, the team met in Basel in 30 year drought.
As a fan Fortuna chased a party to this evening again feeling of awe back down. In the meeting rooms of the bank high above the rooftops of the city met on Sunday, the hero of Basel - the team that was defeated in 1979 in the European Cup final of the Cup unhappy with the large 3:4 FC Barcelona.
Wolfgang Seel then get two goals. The 61-year-old can not remember exactly: "The first goal Gerd Zimmermann suggests a long diagonal pass with his left foot, I'm not on the ball, must use it with the right Außenrist. This has probably surprised the goalkeeper - the thing about it! "
It was the balance in the 41th Minute. Previously, Thomas Allofs who scored the 1:1. Or was it his brother Klaus? Both were almost simultaneously at the ball
"We were) on the day the better team for long stretches," says Seel, who made also in the extension of the 3:4 ( "a simple rebound." All the greater was the disappointment after the defeat. "In retrospect it was a unique experience."
"We were the better team, the winners of the heart," says Dieter pulp. He had to get out in the game after just 25 minutes - knee injury. "That was really the end of my career, but I like to think back to the game."
Egon Köhnen: "I have no memories, then it all went past a musty. An absolutely exceptional experience. "Goalkeeper Jörg Daniel remembers the other hand, precisely at the penalty kick by Carlos Rexach. "I knew where he hinschießt and that I believed him. Had we got into penalty kicks, I would have done it again. "
Heiner Baltes, who as iron defender: "It looks to me as if it had been ges tern." Former striker Thomas Allofs: "The first goal Klaus and I have shot together, so that there is nowhere else: a pair of brothers in the storm, that even taken together, a goal. "
The anecdotes could presenter Dieter Bierbaum happen then on the stage revue. Also the game was shown in part. And once again the atmosphere was unique.