Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Bayers Final-rocket in Cologne Disco

Cologne / Leverkusen - Well after midnight, there was no stopping them.
Club Director Hamid Nuri served up the trophy a hero Magnus finest bottle of champagne. Then the sparks from a rocket in the billowing fog disco.
EXPRESS was with Bayer's sparkling winning party in the Cologne club scene night flight dabei.Leuchtende eyes in happy faces. Whether Stefan Kiessling, Patrick Helmes, Rene Adler, the injured Lukas Sinkiewicz, Michal Kadlec, football wizard Renato Augusto - it was a noisy night. And the guys in this moment had so deserves.
After their 4-1 Cup Fight against Mainz and its move into the final coach Bruno Labaddia ("I am happy" had) spent in the cabin to the cheers of the players the solution. Celebration, comes to the doctor. Enjoy this moment. It'll make you say no twice. By five clock early of the last cup left the disco Fighter and made the flight.
And now they want to land the big coup. On 30 May, the trophy for Leverkusen! "Now I want to keep the thing in my hands," said Bayer's number one Eagle. "Clearly, there is only one thing: I want the pot," it gushed out from Kiessling.
In the executive suite Bayers ruled pure relief. "That was a relief," admitted wooden houses, "financially and sporty is the cup final for us a big thing." The club boss stressed that replacing Labaddias even with a failure never an option. "There was never such considerations. We are working Labbadias fully convinced. "
After the coup Labbadia Cup sits firmly in the saddle than ever. Doubts about his work, the ex-pro brushed aside. "We have made 120 minutes against Mainz steam. This is not by holding hands. "With sports director Rudi Voller and manager Michael Reschke and wooden houses, he is already planning to pressure the upcoming season. To make his young team mentally stronger and more robust, will coach Team Labaddias be reinforced with a mental coach.
Also of Interest
Bayer Stars travel to Berlin ...

Thursday, June 10, 2010

What has fallen can be an actor?

Cologne - The Shocker-staging of the opera "Samson et Dalila": 28 singers ill, jumped three soloists, because it calls for the extreme scenes of violence, the director Tilman Knabe, not endured. Where is the question: What should an actor can be anything really like it?
By law - just about everything. make "He must be, what does the director, said Verdi spokesman Martin Nees:" This is the Directorate of law - anything that does not violate the law and is covered by the contract of employment must be carried out. "
The know, if we chose this profession, according to Peter F. Raddatz, Executive Director of the stages: "As actors we must be prepared to come on stage in extreme situations. We do know that it's only a game. "Rolf Bolwin supplemented by the German Theatre Association:" By legal measures can not solve such problems as in "Samson et Dalila '."
The only go when the director motivate the troops, white ex-director Marc Gunther: "If you do not succeed in doing this, not the actor playing with conviction and fervor. This is lighter than the spectacle of the opera. Since you have many people on stage, which would be a concert version better. "
The fact that we deal with especially sensitive to the portrayal of violence must also have all three agree. This seems indeed the problem in "Samson et Dalila to be:" We are unprepared, was confronted with scenes of violence. There were no accompanying words, "a singer to EXPRESS.
More opera Scandal: Now is also the conductor got out> Bloody rape scene in the opera>

Friday, June 4, 2010

More German troops to Afghanistan

Berlin -
The use of German security forces in Afghanistan will be extended. Two days before the London Conference on Afghanistan, Chancellor Angela Merkel confirmed that Germany will send more soldiers and police officers into the crisis area.
According to Merkel, the army contingent will be increased by another 500 soldiers. In future a total of 5,000 German soldiers in the Middle East will be active.
In addition, 350 soldiers to be used as "flexible reserve".
They should, according to Merkel about the coverage of polls, and any quota changes come new educational technologies. On the tasks of the reserve force will advise the Defence Committee of the Bundestag.
It should however be a reallocation of tasks, more soldiers are training Afghan security forces. Instead of 280 trainers will in future take over 1400 soldiers from Germany these tasks.
In addition, nearly 80 police are sent to Afghanistan, so that now 200 German police officers working in Afghanistan.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Doping total of 50,000 euros!

Vienna - Caught he was in the Tour de France in 2008 with the EPO Cera funds. But now grabs the Austrian cyclist Bernhard Kohl from only really: For € 50 000 he had posted total doping.
across growth hormone, insulin, testosterone, blood doping - for years without attracting attention in the numerous controls.
It is again a shocking confession that should shake up the sports world. For when something goes horribly wrong.
Kohl stressed his ex-manager Stefan Matschiner and the Vienna blood bank human plasma heavy and is said to have called the names of two athletes (including some from the alpine).
"I have called all I know behind. The names have the cops and the drug task force, "said Kohl.
Matschiner was the mastermind in the background, Kohl conceded by 50,000 euros for the total care, "I was treated by Mr Matschiner three to four times. A doctor was not there, he looked very enrolled on the units. He knew very professional. "
Kohl himself had 20,000 euros even involved in the purchase of a blood centrifuge, the device was a total of three athletes have been financed and used.
 Last Jan Ullrich's former supervisor had indicated Rudy Penvenage that in addition to the Spaniard Eufemiano Fuentes is at least five other doctors in Europe systematically doping athletes. After the coal-confession now the Vienna blood bank human plasma moves into the focus of investigators.
There are also German Winter Stars have been a guest. Ex-professional cyclist Rolf Aldag (currently Columbia team boss) asks: "The problem is much more extensive than just pursue the sport of cycling. I wish finally a fair education. "

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Fat-killers were discovered in Peru

Lima -
Disgusting and unbelievable - so not only the story sounded by the Peruvian "fat-killers", kidnapped and killed the people to help them then to suck the fat from the body. This they would then sell expensive cosmetics companies.
For even more incredible is that the whole story was just a nasty joke! are the so-called fat-killer in Peru it was not fact. A police general who invented the hair-raising story revealed.
According to a newspaper report, suspended the chief police officer of the South American country, to the chief of criminal police, General Eusebio Félix, and 32 other policemen. He also ordered an investigation into why Felix took the false information in circulation, and whether they were distracted by other tasks. In the case of irregularities were punished, the newspaper "El Comercio" reported to now, invoking the authority.
The newspaper "La República" had previously speculated that the story had been launched to divert attention from investigations against the police for the murder of criminals. On Monday, the police played in the Peruvian region Monzón the existence of the gang that made headlines worldwide.
Learn More
Gangster wanted to sell the fat
"The fact that in the region, a band of" Pishtacos "(mythical figure from the Andes, which robs its victims of the fat) should be active, has totally surprised us, because we know that is not true," an official was quoted as saying.
The police had alleged fat nor presented in a press conference in plastic bottles. What kind of fluid actually was in the bottle is still unclear. The yellow broth with white speck was certainly not been tapped from human corpses.
Even Peru's Interior Minister Octavio Salazar had on the 19th of Félix November raised suspicion about the alleged murderer fat initially explicitly reaffirmed. Accordingly, the gang had kidnapped people for years and then beheaded, in order to sell the butter for the equivalent of 10,000 euros per liter of cosmetic companies.
However, human fat, not known to be used in cosmetics and even legal standing as a waste of beauty clinics.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Best thick yoga mat


Within the latest periods quite a few folks have come to be aware on the innumerable gains that this training of yoga provides. This phenomenon has struck masses allaround the globe. The young plus the aged, males, women health and fitness freaks along with experts are turning towards yoga like in no way prior to. When this sort of important is the variety on the yoga exercise enthusiasts it can be crucial that this vital details on every one of the elements with this form be provided for the individuals. This write-up will make an effort to give attention to 1 such part of yoga, the yoga exercise pads.

thick yoga mat

The prerequisite of the yoga mats vary with the practice of yoga exercise. You will discover an abundance of possibilities accessible for all forms of yoga exercise professionals in order to choose one as per their particular needs. The mats are obtainable to suit all shapes, sizes of the entire body plus the several yoga asanas. The pregnant mothers take up yoga to make certain appear wellness for them as properly as the the child. However, for these types of women the selection of the thick yoga mat is incredibly important. Highest care should be taken ahead of deciding on one particular. Trying it out primary is advised. The primary prerequisite of mats for this sort of females will commonly be a wide cushioning. Nevertheless, it's highly recommended that the assistance from the concerned physician including a skilled yoga exercise teacher ought to be seeked.

For the regular yoga users the mats that are firm and about an inch larger can be ideal. Additional, one particular should consider into consideration the usage and the choices although acquiring the yoga exercise mat.

The popularity of yoga exercise has created it achievable to quickly get a appropriate type of mat that may be appropriate for your personal practice. You'll be able to even purchase on the internet for this sort of mat’s as there are a lot of web sites that accomplish the yoga exercise mats sale and invest in around the world-wide-web.

Yoga exercise is a lot various compared to various other extending exercise that you simply ought to be making from the health club. It is a much more enhancing knowledge that rejuvenates the mind, system as well as the spirit. A yoga mat is usually a requirement in the event you eye to obtain the maximum rewards by doing the yoga asanas.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Fortuna: What now, Mr. Meier?

Düsseldorf - The mega-important match against Dynamo Dresden - Fortuna does not end up at last a victory, in the direction of ascent is all over.
"We all are aware what is at stake. We need the three points desperately. To stay in the race and to enable the competitors under pressure, "says co-captain Jens Langeneke, attacks vehemently with his troops after the last straw.
But the thing goes wrong again, have to plan in the Düsseldorf background with high pressure for another season in the third division.
"The team budget is down by at least one million," explains CFO Werner Sesterhenn. Although seven players have a contract for the third League, but manager Werner Wolf and coach Norbert Meier.
But the club desperately wants to continue working with the coach to take the rebuilding at Nichtaufstieg with former Bundesliga player in attack.
EXPRESS learned: Meier exists an extension offer! However, with a sensitive inconvenience to the trainer: Compared to its current salary he would have to live with a loss of around 30 percent.
What now, Mr. Meier? "I must make it clear that it can not pass by the coach, when to change the financial environment. A basic willingness to continue working is because both sides. Fortuna is and remains a challenging task, "says the 50-year-old. The Hammer: Meier, despite a lower fee would help in the rebuilding!
But the coach also makes clear: "Of course you can continue with young talent and those who contract anyway, and those who would accept a reduced offer. Why not? The prospects have to agree whole and the objectives to be clearly defined. "

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Pistolero Jason Rager redeemed Nethery

Dusseldorf - As the last desperation shot at the Straubing DEG gate passes and rumbles the final siren, stretches captain Daniel Kreutzer made his racquet towards hall roof -!
Pure relief for coach Lance Nethery tyrant and his MetroStars, the last home game of the year with a 2-1 victory against the penultimate, and thus the second one after celebrating success.
With fresh confidence after the liberation at 5:4 Seilersee DEG had gone into the race. But so it was all over quickly: Referee of Gameren had sent to Jeff Panzer and Peter Ratchuk two Düsseldorf in the icebox.
And the leadership Straubinger begun! The tiger bites: A double majority arrived guest scorer Chouinard to 1:0. The residue drove the MetroStars, which partly forgave her Überzahlsituationen woefully behind for long. But then it was Iserlohn-match-winner Rob Collins, the optical superiority ummünzte, whose highlight is the start finally countable. His Pops into the far corner was parried for Straubing's not too strong Mike Bales.
Earlier, the Tigers goalkeeper Jamie Wright, Brandon Reid and Klaus Kathan had (all of which had to settle on the spoon) with class parades genervt.Im middle section dominated the DEG further, however, was much further in the financial statements harmless. "Actually, we make a good game. The team is good defensively, only draws far too little benefit from the majority, "noted the injured number 1, Jamie Storr (announced his comeback in January in) in the second intermission.
Luckily, DEG had no need for power play to go in front, but with a professional executor qualities: Jason Pinizzotto. "El Pistolero") (his nickname, which had also met twice in the last game for the Roosters, not flapped in front of the Tiger Gate of long, sank the disc to the 2-1 score in the mesh - the decision.
Sharks: R. Mueller - Slaney, Renz, Julien, Mo. Mueller, Anchored, Lüdemann - Furchner, Piros, Gogulla; Flaake, Dmitriev, Ma. Muller; Čiernik, McLlwain, Rudslätt; Tallaire, Warriner, Adams.Zuschauer: 14,354. Referee: Rick Looker (USA). Goals: 1-0 McLlwain (2.), 1:1 Fortier (9.), 2-1 Furchner (18.), 3:1 Ludemann (34.), 3:2 Tripp (52.), 4:2 Čiernik (59.).

Monday, May 3, 2010

SS-man (91) attacks Pharmacy

Recklinghausen - The man has a lot to answer for: The 91-year-old is a war criminal and now a convicted robber.
On Wednesday, the 91-year-old had to ausHerten (Kreis Recklinghausen) brought before the Landgericht Bochum.
The judge imposed because of threats eineGeldstrafe in the amount of 1600 Euro (80 per diem).
What he should have done: he had attacked in March 2007 in Eupen, Belgium a pharmacist undmit a real-looking toy gun threat.
In the process of 91-year-old said that he would commit no theft - but he wanted 1968protestieren only against his conviction of. At that time the former SS man for murder ansechs Polish Jews had been sentenced to life imprisonment.
Also of interest
They are looking for Nazi war criminal

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Bavaria-runner petzen all

Hamburg - The league everyday reality is reversed. Werder Bremen has started the hunt for league leaders Bayern Munich. The surprise TrioArminia Bielefeld, VfL Bochum and Eintracht Frankfurt dagegenjeweils lost and missed the jump for a day on the table top.
Three days after demEinzug in the Champions League Werder EintrachtFrankfurt celebrated on Saturday against a 2-1 victory. Behind the Bavaria is despite the 2:3 defeat at Hannover 96, VfL Bochum, in second place.
Bottom Hansa Rostock must wait after the 0-1 against Borussia Dortmund next tothe first point.
   Bremen continued its upward trend against the Frankfurt and hatnach the fourth match day as the Bochum now seven points. Three Tagenach the move into the elite class by 3-2 at Dinamo Zagrebfeierten the Hanseatic League victory in the third competitive match series. With seinemzweiten Bundesliga goal for Werder brought attacker Boubacar Sanogo (35.Minute) Bremer in the lead before Petri Pasanen (79.) by Freistoßtraf. Michael Thurk (85.) achieved the following results Frankfurt.
   The surprise team from Bochum in Hanover conceded his ersteSaisonniederlage. Striker Mike Hanke (12.), Jan Rosenthal (36.) and Vahid Hashemian (71.) scored for the home side, for Bochum ware league leading scorer Tommy Bechmann (44.) with his fourth goal of the season undMarcel Maltritz (66.) penalty for a foul by successfully .
   Also in this season before unconquered Bielefeldermussten at MSV Duisburg suffered the first defeat of the season. Starting Derbrasilianische debutants Maicon (64.) and Manasseh Ishiaku (68./70.) Ensured the victory of 3:0-climber.
   Energie Cottbus, however, remains without a win on points and continue. After derdänische newcomer Dennis Sörensen (15.) had been brought by the Cottbusser Foulelfmeterin leadership, like `Club 'defender Andreas Wolf (85.) inder closing stages to 1-1 Result from. At this time the 1st FCNürnberg had only ten players on the field, since attackers Robert Vittekin after 63 minutes had seen a second yellow card.
   The second victory in the second home game with Hertha Berlin celebrated das2: 1 against VfL Wolfsburg. The attackers Marko Pantelic (38.) undSolomon Okoronkwo (88.) met for the Capital Club. The derSaison prior to the `wolves' ex-changed Berlin Ashkan Dejagah (61.) had meanwhile cleared.
   Even with returnees Victor Agali promoted Hansa Rostock could not stop denNegativlauf. Although Agali against Borussia Dortmundengagiert occurred in the 18th Had minute with a double-header strips pitch, jumped from the Rostock Bemühungenheraus little countable, so that the results of BVB by Giovanni Federico (76.) to 0:1-handed victory.
   The fourth round will Traditionsduellenabgeschlossen on Sunday with two. In the North-South summit receives denRekordmeister Hamburger SV in Munich, where the Italian world champion Luca Toni is missing due to a thigh strain. In Baden-Wuerttemberg comes to the derby between Karlsruher SC and Master Movers VfBStuttgart. On Friday, FC Schalke 04 by 1-1 Heimremisgegen Bayer Leverkusen had given away valuable points.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Ex-Coach Osnabrück Wollitz shocked

Dusseldorf --
The biggest betting scandal in soccer history: Osnabrück coach Claus-Dieter Wollitz shocked reaction to the alleged tampering with his former club.
"I am saddened, not only, but devastated. Hurts me so," he said in the Channel "Sky". "I am totally finished, that the club is called, where I was working five years. It is not confirmed, but the club is called." For him, the defeat of his current club Energie Cottbus v Fortuna Dusseldorf was only incidental.
Osnabrück were last summer Wollitz from the 2nd Football League relegated. The coach then moved to Premiership football relegated Energie Cottbus.
He had already learned of the allegations on Thursday, said the 44-year-old in front of the 1:2 defeat of his team in Dusseldorf. "I have tried to hide it, I could not. I have not slept all night because we go through every single scene."
After the 0:3 of Osnabrück on 17 April at the FC Augsburg he had apologized for the performance of his former team. Also the 0:2 in Nuremberg on 13 May it had been named in a media report as a suspicious lot.
Faced with media reports that should have gotten three of his former players in Osnabrück, the subject of investigations, Wollitz said: "I do not believe it. I would not want this to be true, because it breaks down for me a world."
Should he have been deceived by his players, he does not know what was happening to him. "Then I need to have support, then I need much help," said Wollitz deeply affected.
Wollitz said he had kept the manipulation scandal involving Robert Hoyzer for a single case and stressed that he was always honest and open. Now, credibility and honesty were lost. His family moved to live in Osnabrück and will remain cursed. After the descent it was even threatened. He hoped that the people now apologized for it. Suspicions have a bitter taste for all concerned. "I hope that there is not true," said Wollitz and thought about the allegations: "` This is for me the worst. "
Energy-President Ulrich Lepsch expressed understanding for the reaction of the trainer. "It is difficult for us. Pele's very emotional. He lives football and with all their heart there," said club boss.
Also of interest
Mafia manipulated more than 200 games

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Schumi caps sells at a loss

Monza - As has become "Mister 20 percent" did not offset. From manager Willi Weber somewhat premature commissioned "Schumi comeback caps are" now sells at a loss.
The cost of the "Little Red Riding Hood" at the stalls at Spa-Francorchamps, another 25 euros, so it's here now in German markets penny even for 12,99 Euro - a price drop of 50 percent in just two weeks!
The business policy of Weber is getting more opaque. It was not until he finished one-Schumi comeback from complete. Then, as his most important client Ferrari Felipe Massa promised from the Valencia race to replace, he announced the production of the cap comeback in Troisdorf-Fan Company Auftrag.10.000 pieces produced in mba mba-owner Markus Schell, but suddenly distanced himself Weber of his product: "I know nothing."
At Spa, the caps went away like hot Belgian waffles. This Schumi himself fired the hopes of his fans to make a comeback in the new season: "I want to rule anything out. From a medical perspective, there is nothing against it."
Also, the new three-year contract with Ferrari (including driver-passage) leaves open the option. And now? Weber thinks about not to the comeback? Could be because Ferrari have included later in the season so far for declarative contract with former world champion Fernando Alonso seven drivers under contract.

Friday, April 9, 2010

A big hit with commuters

Bonn - Who are the big winners of the rail strike? Taxi companies? Wrong. It is the firm Bonner Europe Medien.
It offers two internet portals, which in recent weeks had huge inflow: and
Carpooling is cheaper, better for the environment and relieving the traffic, "said Europe Alive spokesman Javor Milev. Carpooling even use his one million people in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Trend: Strongly rising.
During the strike of train drivers who are about twice as many commuters on the sides tumbled as before.
"The typical user is no longer a student with a wool sweater and Birkenstock sandals. We speak to a broad section of the population, "says CEO Martin Buske.
In some rural areas of the Internet are already carpooling more often used as a bus or train. Therefore, the municipalities will pass to cooperate no longer. The city of Bonn in cooperation with the commuter network. But Buske must drill here still thick boards: "The support of the city could be much better."
Buskes knows that he can selbstwusst occur. For: His Carpooling is the mobility concept for the future.
  About have also Henning Behrens (32) and Anna Maria Rogaleva (met 22). They now go together to Cologne, where he works as an editor and she has to do as an intern at Deutsche Welle often.
Henning Behrens had on the strike irritated commuters, offered to wait in vain for a train station on a cold, an alternative: "This is the best and easiest way to do anything about the strike chaos."
 And Anna Maria Rogaleva has no car and have no desire to be annoyed constantly of precipitating features. Power together: a perfect carpool.
Also of interest
It's as easy works!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Sexy Sophia plays poker with Desirée & Sido

Bonn - And on it goes on the ladder of success for the pretty Beuelerin Sophia Tran (22).
After clearing away the beautiful brunette in the spring at various beauty pageants, she made the second place at the "Sea Discovery choice" and was elected in late May to the first poker Queen of Germany.
"I am of course very pleased. First of all, I now admire as a poker assistant on DSF, inter alia, Desirée Nick and Sido too, "says Sophia.
But that's not all: The pretty student had now shoots for Nivea, Bravo, LTU, AX, New Yorkers. And Sophia is currently the title-Girl of the current issue of the journal "GX".
On television, the student was shown inter alia in: Voxtours, in the feature film "Lulu & Jimi" she plays a dancer in the Family Court and Criminal Court as an actress and females with Oliver, she was already asked twice as Treuetesterin.
 Sophia is studying the way even event management. "I modele long as I feel like it. Then I would like for my studies with an event-making agency independently and organize events. Prefer sporting events, "says Sophia.
The only pity for the man's world: "I am forgiven," reveals the sweetness. Friend Bjorn (21) is certainly the envy of many.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Dear greetings from Pannenhelfer

If you are still with the car and then save the day is coming - hardly someone who is not as happy. For Britta Hauswald (47) of the man brought by ADAC equal double happiness: she could then not only to start her car again, but with the nozzle man to happiness - with the provisional terminus Registry now in March.
"My car had been standing a few days and did not start over," recalls Stefan Hauswald (39). "When I arrived at her home, it has sparked in me at once."
And so did the car mechanic with the help of a little more time. "Actually, I would have been ready in five minutes, but I was not eager to leave." His tool: a clenched charm attack under the hood.
"The next day, I then phoned again, because even if the car is running ..." The flip of the wrench when Britta then only a little later works. Finally, they called him, had himself invited to a rendezvous ...
Stefan puts out about 200 times a month in terms of repairs, while also takes a lot of nice ladies. "In the beginning there was Britta was already jealous. But if you're as happy as we are, then nothing can happen. "

Monday, March 22, 2010

Honda shocks from Formula 1

Tokyo / Cologne - Sayonara, Honda! Japan's second largest car company immediately gets out of Formula 1.
All payments to the Brackley team will be stationed in the English set. The entire Formula 1 will be shocked. Now the death of the champions league?
The financial crisis and the still deteriorating crisis car to keep the world in suspense.
nd even if) a veteran of Formula 1 (6 championship titles as engine supplier previously acclaimed advertising platform is leaving in order to save billions of light-years winnings paltry 390 million euro budget, the question arises: Who is next?
"This will be only the beginning," predicts Gerhard Berger, who has just sold back its 50 percent stake in Toro Rosso to Red Bull billionaire Dietrich Mateschitz.
Even BMW and Mercedes sales suffer burglary. But they will remain. And it has three good reasons:
1. They are not so dependent on the "dead" U.S. market, such as Honda and Toyota. The units sold in the last quarter to 30 percent fewer cars.
2. They have their F1 budget as opposed to ad-free Honda mostly covered by sponsorships.
3. You need to Formula 1 as a global showcase her - from her self-image - technically superior premium products.
"The contribution by Mercedes-Benz cost-efficient," says Mercedes motorsport chief Norbert Haug. "The media coverage that generated the last season and Lewis Hamilton's title win was worth many times more than what we have used to finance." Even BMW team boss Mario Theissen: "Formula 1 racing pays off for us."
And Toyota? The Japanese giant will adhere to the absolute threshold of pain at the Cologne team. President John Howett: "Formula 1 is an engineering competition. If not change that, we will stay until at least 2012. "
But what about the Honda team with star driver Jenson Button? There has blown ex-Michael Schumacher mastermind Ross Brawn in 2009 a major attack. Moreover, should make his debut-Senna's nephew Bruno.
Honda wants to sell for the symbolic price of 1 €. Team boss Nick Fry: "There are two or three global players who want to take the team." One season, however, will cost 150 million euros.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

"We were the winners of the heart"

Dusseldorf - In contrast to the dismal present included the Fortuna late 70s to Germany's soccer elite.
The European Cup final against Barcelona 1979 is moving and unforgettable. Like the protagonists of the past. Now, the team met in Basel in 30 year drought.
As a fan Fortuna chased a party to this evening again feeling of awe back down. In the meeting rooms of the bank high above the rooftops of the city met on Sunday, the hero of Basel - the team that was defeated in 1979 in the European Cup final of the Cup unhappy with the large 3:4 FC Barcelona.
Wolfgang Seel then get two goals. The 61-year-old can not remember exactly: "The first goal Gerd Zimmermann suggests a long diagonal pass with his left foot, I'm not on the ball, must use it with the right Außenrist. This has probably surprised the goalkeeper - the thing about it! "
It was the balance in the 41th Minute. Previously, Thomas Allofs who scored the 1:1. Or was it his brother Klaus? Both were almost simultaneously at the ball
"We were) on the day the better team for long stretches," says Seel, who made also in the extension of the 3:4 ( "a simple rebound." All the greater was the disappointment after the defeat. "In retrospect it was a unique experience."
"We were the better team, the winners of the heart," says Dieter pulp. He had to get out in the game after just 25 minutes - knee injury. "That was really the end of my career, but I like to think back to the game."
Egon Köhnen: "I have no memories, then it all went past a musty. An absolutely exceptional experience. "Goalkeeper Jörg Daniel remembers the other hand, precisely at the penalty kick by Carlos Rexach. "I knew where he hinschießt and that I believed him. Had we got into penalty kicks, I would have done it again. "
Heiner Baltes, who as iron defender: "It looks to me as if it had been ges tern." Former striker Thomas Allofs: "The first goal Klaus and I have shot together, so that there is nowhere else: a pair of brothers in the storm, that even taken together, a goal. "
The anecdotes could presenter Dieter Bierbaum happen then on the stage revue. Also the game was shown in part. And once again the atmosphere was unique.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Straßenstrich remains unsolved

Bonn --
Ongoing issue streetwalkers. On Monday, the governor relented - and now the city can decide for yourself!
By the end of the Bonners, they must make them palatable, what with the "open-whores" happened. Even states that a tip: The best thing is the way it is.
For months, making RP Hans Peter Lindlar near the town of pressure, called for proposals for the streetwalkers and set ultimatums.
Residents in the area on Probsthof / Gerhard-Domagk-Strasse had complained about sex in front of their windows, over used condoms in their front yards. Students were crying because they were suggestive of suitors offers. Business people worried about their customers.
This led to before: The bitch should only be from 20 clock (up to 6 clock) out there. But the final solution does not lie in the street. In a conversation yesterday with RP in Cologne, Bonn's city manager, Dr. Kregel, Chief of Police Wolfgang Albers and made clear: There is simply no obvious solution in Bonn, which will satisfy all interests.
In recent months, the city already 16 alternative sites for the grain, and installation of performing pit was tested according to the Cologne model. Result: not feasible (EXPRESS reported).
Now RP Lindlar expected that the newly elected Council decides how he will deal in future with the streetwalkers in the Bonn city area. But where are the "open-whores" if nobody wants to have the door? According EXPRESS information could be the situation the way it is. "This is so far the Treaties and the only solution," says an insider. "
Sperrbezirk remain until downtown Probsthof, the whores of 20 may only clock in the street - until the end of 2009 it is definitely so. Then, it was agreed in Cologne. City Manager Dr. Kregel promptly invited the representatives of the factions in the Council for an interview after the fall break. Then comes the issue of street prostitution once again on the table.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Hull-Eleven makes Klinsi again Grinsi

Munich - The situation seemed more than critical, the sting of the Cup defeat at Bayer Leverkusen was severe.
But Bayern Munich could be from an early gap from the rest and not get defeated relegation candidates Hannover 96 fully deserved 3-1 with 5:1 (). This gave the controversial coach Jürgen Klinsmann erstmal a breather.
Here, the shock was initially low when a slip by Lucio Jiri Stajner coldly exploited and leadership for the Lower Saxony (met 15.). Klinsmann stood on the sideline, and whipped his team right back to the front.
Daniel van Buyten (20.), Miroslav Klose (25.) and Hamit Altintop (34.) turned the match - and the Bayern coach again put on his broadest grin. "The victory was well deserved at that level," said the heavily criticized after the Cup bust Klinsi. "Now the table back looks a little better. We do not allow ourselves to be conceded by the unruffled. "
Now the coach has erstmal rest. Manager Hoeness hugged the coach during a game and then gave a confession for the Ex-coach: "We thought at any stage of a separation Klinsmann."
The coach was proud of his Rumpfelf who had to compensate for some injuries (see below) and still wiped out the disgrace Cup: "The team is properly addressed it. The gates were the logical consequence of their games. "
It was startling above all the determination in standard situations: Four out of five goals were resting after a ball, "You can lose here. But these errors, we must not allow ourselves, "said Hannover's international goalkeeper Robert Enke.
But as Klinsmann's Bayern are back in second place, are most ardent pursuers of Berlin. Grinsi-Indian Wells: "Now it is time to oust Hertha from the top. You must be obtained. Since we do not let up, the title remains our goal. "
Bundesliga compact - so ran the 23rd Matchday>
Also of interest
The images from the game against Hanover Munich

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Suspended sentence for Marco

Juiceproducer - green power juicer

Antalya / Uelzen - Finally it's over. After a long process, there is now forever the verdict.
The court in Antalya den19-year-old student Marco from Uelzen Haftverurteilt on Wednesday for rape undsexuellen abuse to two years, two months and 20 days. The sentence was suspended.
The court found Mark guilty in Osterurlaub2007 the then 13-year-old British woman Charlotte keeping closed sexually abused. The vocational school students had always denied this.
DerStaatsanwalt had demanded a conviction for rape undsexuellen abuse without zuformulieren a specific penalty, the defense had argued for acquittal.
   Marco himself had always stated that it had come to Charlotte to visit in succession Disco consensual affection sei.Das girl told him it was 15 years old. He was on 12 April2007 festgenommenworden in a holiday hotel on the Turkish Riviera.
Marco sat 247 days in Turkish custody.
Meanwhile, he continues in his home training and no longer have to travel tothe process of appointments to Turkey.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

FC managers Meier impose stop transfer

Cologne - silence at Geißbockheim. Michael Meier was on Monday at the DFL in Frankfurt. In Cologne, meanwhile, the wheels stand still - until the newcomer finally comes. Meier announced a transfer stop!
"We will make no new signings, fixed until the new coach. We need the budget so he can implement his ideas. "
Approximately 5 million euro for the FC still available - plus the money, what is outrageously expensive compared to the duo of trainer Christoph Daum and Roland Koch approximately 3.3 million (per year savings) the new coach.
But who will that be? Still in the draw: Zvonimir Soldo (41) and Mirko Slomka (41). But both can be had - and they had long been able to strike would be a solution really überzeugt.Einen candidates, the Cologne-makers need to be removed from their list: Volker Finke (61) is not to have.
He would be a dream candidate of FC boss Wolfgang Overath been. He was schonmal agree with Finke! Because it did last year was Cologne coach Christoph Daum on the bounce. Finke would and should become the successor, sealed his coming with Overath and Co. with a handshake.
The longtime coach of SC Freiburg had even been contacted by players who made plans. Then Daum's failed negotiations with Fenerbahce - and thumb remained.
Finke hired at Urawa Red Diamonds in Japan, then signed a two-year contract. And exactly who was now the problem: The club refused to release the coach - finally, one is with his work continues to look very zufrieden.Der FC. And so the Cologne coach presentation always possible date forward. "It will take a little bit," says manager Meier.
This one, however, falls behind in the transfer market - after all others have to plan ahead. Karlsruhe's Stefano Celozzi-backs (20, cost around 2.5 million euros, for example) is at FC on the list are.
But neither has been officially approached by the consultant Dirk Hebel still at the KSC someone. Lever: "He is in several clubs on the list. And in Cologne, they have to clarify the coach erstmal question. "It's quite possible that the FC-makers in the wooing of the youngsters are going to be late.
More about FC coach search: Staale Solbakken and Volker Finke not to have> Calli: "The new must be a multi-talent!"> Meier raves about Soldos good school> Mirko Slomka: "Now the FC is on the train">
• The latest FC coach-News - now in EXPRESS.DE ticker>

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Save the small Mihailo (3)!

Dusseldorf - Mihailo looking anxiously out from behind the back of his mother Serbia. The crab will destroy the life of a cute little boy if he does not get help quickly.
Mihailo is only three years old, but he already knows the depths of despair. "More than half of his life he spent in hospital, death always before our eyes," says her mother Yelena sad.
Again and again formed a new evil like cells in the testes. With a Tiefenhypertermie the doctors want to fight the University Clinic of cancer that proliferates in the body of the little Mihailo. For the saving treatment of the family but lacks some 40,000 euros.
Donations, which can save the lives of boys, are accepted as "Mihailo and other children" at Stadtsparkasse Dusseldorf.
 Account number: 10106425, Sort code: 30,050,110th

Friday, February 5, 2010

Two medals in the coffin

Cologne - The clothing was colorful with many - but the tears ran down her cheeks. More than 2,000 passed to carnival Melaten of ex-leader Prince Helmut Urbach († 60). Two orders takes the big carnival in his grave ...
"None of us has invented the carnival - but when Helmut I'm not so sure," said festival committee boss Mark Ritterbach a choked voice.
Last Wednesday was Urbach died suddenly of heart failure. Urbach worked as a board member of the Guard, and Prince as "Members attendant" one veteran of the Festival Committee of Fasteleer.
More than 80 carriers Plagge, several hundred uniformed corps standing tradition on Wednesday Melaten trellis. In a red and white coffin, Helmut Urbach went on the last trip.
 "My dear Festgemeinde, sorry - dear mourners," muddled OB Fritz Schramma his speech given at the opening round of revelers throng in the cemetery.
He gave Urbach an OB-order with the grave. A second of Wittich Rossmann (Head of IG Metall Cologne): "The order, which you should lend to Weiberfastnacht, I will now give you the last time."
Urbach was once the Works at Felten & Guillaume. His funeral will be held after the cremation with the family.